As our lives change during this COVID-19 pandemic, so does the need for kindness. You have probably seen all sorts of creative ways people are finding to help one another: making masks for frontline workers, showing support for medical professionals, or helping a high-risk neighbor get groceries. One more way of helping, while practicing recommended distancing, is taking part in our upcoming online auction!
Bid to Help the Helpers
We will be auctioning a number of items, including some Supernatural-related pieces. All proceeds will support COVID-19 relief. The Random Acts Support Program is aimed at “helping the helpers” during this unprecedented situation. You can go here** to nominate organizations you see aiding those affected in your community.
We Are All in This Together
The auction will be held April 18 at 9 a.m. EDT to April 26 at 11:59 EDT. A special preview of the items will be in the April newsletter, along with a link to sign up. Many of the unique items were donated by supporters — a further reminder that we are all in this together. Thank you to those who contributed. Random Acts could not accomplish what it does without you!
If you want to keep up with what Random Acts is doing, make sure to sign up for our newsletter. Our biggest concern right now is that you all take care of yourselves and your families first. We have done a great many things together all across the globe. We have an opportunity to do that again, when kindness is more needed than ever. Bid from the safety of your home, and help us help the helpers!
Update 8/17/20: Nominations are now closed