If you could do a random act of kindness for someone in your life today, what what you do?
This question has been answered by hundreds of our staff and supporters throughout the years. From creating kits for victims of domestic violence, buying school supplies for teachers and students in need or building a bird house for a senior citizen community; these stories touch upon the wide range of causes that people have supported with funds from our Acts program.
Over 90% of donations to Random Acts go directly into this program, which has sponsored over 1,000 acts of kindness worldwide since its inception.
Read more about our Acts program and how you can apply for funding to do your own act of kindness here.
#GetKind #RAHolidayKindness #RANoHungryChild #RAStayKind Australia books charity childhood hunger childhood hunger act childhood hunger campaign children community Convention COVID-19 donation Donations e4k endure4kindness food food bank food equity Food Insecurity Free High School GISH holiday act homelessness hunger Jason Manns kids kindness Kindness Act LGBTQIA+ community meet our team meet the team Misha Collins Nicaragua Random Acts Random Acts Staff Random Acts Thanks Regional Representative Social Justice and Equity Supernatural Supernatural Convention United States UpWest
Helping for the Holidays in Guatemala
When studying Spanish in Guatemala, Madison Petro saw an opportunity for her Random Acts staff act to amplify the holiday impact of a Christmas event in a small Mayan community.
A Quiet Place
Everyone needs a quiet place sometimes, and a love of the outdoors is a sure remedy for the stress of daily life. For a group of exceptional young students in […]
How To Be Inclusive of Dietary Restrictions When Donating to Food Banks
Growing up as a recipient of food bank donations, Random Acts supporter Abigail Iubhar noticed a lack of variety in available food items. Commonly donated food items include canned vegetables, […]
Heart of Random Acts: Meet Krissi, the Regional Representatives Manager
From the outside, it might seem like kindness is a simple thing—an occasional good deed, a fleeting gesture. But for people like Krissi, a volunteer at Random Acts, kindness is […]
3 Ways to Show Kindness to Migrants and Refugees
The world is currently experiencing significant levels of upheaval. Between wars, economic uncertainty, and climate crises, people around the world are looking for places to go that will provide safety […]
Saving Canine Heroes: Partnership Between Random Acts and Anna4Paws
Random Acts staff launched a new partnership with Anna 4 Paws, a non-profit that provides free canine-specific first aid training and veterinarian-maintained first aid kits to working canine teams.
Kindness³: The Colors of the Rainbow
Three volunteers, three different forms to spread kindness. Together, they show us that there is more than one way to support those in need.
Spread Kindness Across the Globe with Random Acts’ Climate Relief Campaign
We are thrilled to announce our latest kindness challenge, taking place during the month of August, focusing on climate relief!