Lanterns were lit and kindness was spread at the Kansas City Water Lantern Festival during the last weekend of July. Earlier, we wrote to let you know that Random Acts would have a booth there, and we were blown away by the stories and acts of kindness we witnessed. Read on for the experience of Communications Officer – Inventory Holli DeWees.
Kindness Abounds
The spirit of the Water Lantern Festival was one of sustainability, unity and kindness — both to the environment and to one another. The diverse community of Kansas City was in attendance for the event. Those folks that visited the Random Acts booth were able to take seeds and potted flowers of all colors. Many participated in making some friendship bracelets, which made it quite the popular activity!

Some spread kindness quietly. During the event, two strangers came up to the table and left a note for Holli without saying a word. (See above photo.) Needless to say, it brightened her day. Leaving a positive note in a public place is an easy way to make someone smile — we highly recommend it!
Lighting the Darkness
The decorated lanterns were set upon the water. Holli was even able to participate, as a stranger purchased one for her. Emblazoned with the Random Acts logo, and lit from the inside, it floated with hundreds of others, symbolizing unity and renewal.

The festival has many pit stops — Kansas City is just one of them — and will show up again, perhaps in your home town. Check out their website to see if they will be stopping near you. And if you participate in your own Water Lantern ritual, send us some pictures. We would love to see them!