On November 13, Random Acts celebrates World Kindness Day along with our friends across the globe!
Evolution of World Kindness Day
First introduced in 1998, World Kindness Day is a holiday created by the World Kindness Coalition, a group of multinational non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Initially, the holiday was celebrated by Canada, Australia, Nigeria, and the United Arab Emirates before spreading even farther to Singapore, India, and a few European countries.
World Kindness Day celebrates acts of kindness improving communities, crossing boundaries, and sharing positivity. On November 13 (and every other day of the year), kindness binds us all together.
Kindness Year-Round
Random Acts is proud to be one of the many organizations celebrating World Kindness Day, especially as we celebrate our 10-Year Anniversary. Our mission is to inspire kindness acts – big and small – around the world. What better time to inspire kindness than on World Kindness Day?
Random Acts volunteers can be found spreading kindness across the globe in Central America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and North America. If this mission connects with your values, consider applying here to join Random Acts as a Regional Representative for your geographic region!
Over the past few months, Random Acts volunteers have been organizing and hustling as they continue to support their communities. For example, our destinations project celebrated the successes of our Dreams to Acts: Nicaragua program supporting fundraising efforts for local education, transportation, and theater needs.
In addition, Random Acts volunteers have also co-sponsored a backpack and hygiene donation drive; partnered with the Bitty Kitty Brigade; stitched masks for essential workers; and provided information and resources regarding the bushfires in Australia.
Declaration of Support
On November 13, Random Acts encourages you to find your own way to celebrate World Kindness Day! Share the holiday with your friends, family, and neighbors, and then encourage them to get involved, too.
For instance, this year’s celebration could be delivering groceries to an at-risk family in need (using appropriate social distancing protocols, of course!). Similarly, you could organize a gift card donation drive for nonprofits supporting COVID-19 relief efforts. Regardless, your kindness act will have a ripple effect leading to more kindness, no matter how big or small the project.
Finally, as you join Random Acts in celebrating World Kindness Day let us also dispel a few myths. Remember, sometimes kindness is not your first instinctual response. It does not come easy, and it certainly does not make you weak to show kindness to others.
Kindness is forged in the hearts and minds of those who choose to be kind. From picking up litter to standing up against injustices, kindness is a conscientious effort to be kind in the face of adversity.
Choose to be kind.