The JK Community Farm is a non-profit, 150-acre working farm that provides families in need with farm-fresh produce and protein. They practice sustainable, chemical-free agriculture and provide 100% of what they grow to those experiencing food insecurity. The farm works with food pantries that make daily pickups to immediately distribute the fresh produce directly after harvest. The two staff members are helped year-round by volunteers who participate in all the planting and harvesting. They host corporate team-building events, field trips, and provide education so the public can learn more about their food. They also put on volunteer events, like their annual Plant-A-Thon.
Random Acts Joins the Fun

This May, Random Acts volunteers, joined by their families and friends, attended the JK Community Farm’s annual Plant-A-Thon event. They worked together with other volunteers from the community to plant 16,000 seedlings. The farm will nurture these seedlings until harvest to create about 53,000 nutrient-dense meals for families in the region experiencing food insecurity. The JK Community Farm has graciously offered to have the Random Acts volunteers return later in the season to see the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor!
How It Went

Random Acts volunteers Keleigh Anders, Shawna, and Madison Petro visited the JK Community Farm the morning of May 23 to participate in the Plant-A-Thon. They spent the morning hours planting a variety of seedlings that will be tended to by the farm and their community of volunteers. “The whole group of us, Random Acts staff along with the friends and family we brought to help, joined together with local volunteers with such rich and varied backgrounds,” said Keleigh. “We all came together to set these plants on their journey to nourishing the local community’s population experiencing food insecurity. It was an incredibly enriching experience that was well worth the long travel to be there, the early morning wake-up for our shift, and the burning thighs from multiple hours of squats.” At the end of the season, Random Acts volunteers will return to the JK Community Farm to see the harvest from the Plant-A-Thon. Everything harvested will go to families in need.
Feeling Inspired?
If you would like to learn more about the JK Community Farm, visit their website. Random Acts, Regional Representatives would love to help you find similar opportunities in your community. As always, thank you for supporting our mission to spread kindness and compassion!