After volunteering at Sharing and Caring Hands in Minneapolis with her youth group, Katy Bonello knew that she would get more involved with the local safety net organization over the years. She followed through on that determination during a college internship by consulting with them on building a summer job program for underprivileged youth and implementing pieces of it at their facility. She continues her connection with them now by donating needed supplies.
Sharing and Caring Hands receives no government funding and relies solely on donations. They provide a range of services from shelter, food, and rent help to medical and dental resources for those who cannot obtain support from the welfare system. Infant formula, larger diapers, and other baby supplies are often in short supply due to their cost. So, Katy decided to request Random Acts funding to donate these much-needed items. She prepared her list. Then, she gathered clothing and other baby items from her own home. Her sister-in-law and friends donated baby supplies, too. What a great effort to get a whole community together to help!

Katy gave her first donation while out shopping. Other shoppers saw the mountain of diapers in her cart and asked about what she was doing. She took the opportunity to share about the work of both Random Acts and Sharing & Caring Hands. Other shoppers were not the only ones to be curious about her donation. The volunteer who helped with the donation intake asked, “This all from you?” To Katy, this kindness act felt like a small step in a positive direction. She hopes it will inspire others. Certainly, she has already inspired her sister-in-law and friends. If you are inspired to help out a local community resource center, learn about how to do your own funded act of kindness here.