Random Acts Projects Manager Miranda Debenham supports transgender and non-binary youth in Sheffield by providing chest binders.
The Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep
Random Acts Writing Manager Jessica Burbridge uses social media to connect with a mother and daughter in need of a new bed.
Bringing Baby Gear to The Bloom Closet
Regional Representative Monai Liburd brings baby clothes and supplies to The Bloom Closet, a boutique for foster children.
Helping Furry Friends in Florida
Regional Representative Emily Rivera-Jackson delivers supplies and smiles to the shelter animals at the Suncoast Humane Society in Florida.
Helping Unhoused Neighbors in Los Angeles
Random Acts supporter Amy Zhang helps her unhoused neighbors in Los Angeles by creating and distributing care packages.
Why “Niceness” Will Not Do
The Random Acts writing team is tackling some tough issues. Today, we want to make an important distinction between niceness and kindness.