Here are some ideas to get you started on your kindness journey with a focus on kids.
3 Ways to Show Kindness to Migrants and Refugees
The world is currently experiencing significant levels of upheaval. Between wars, economic uncertainty, and climate crises, people around the world are looking for places to go that will provide safety […]
Fighting an Uphill Battle for Kindness
Mac, our intrepid Regional Representative from Argentina, explains how things went awry with their plan to buy an electric oven for Swallow’s Home and how kindness triumphed in the end.
Getting Kids Excited About Kindness
Three ways to get kids excited about kindness!
3 Ways To Help Survivors of Violence
Trigger warning: Mentions of violence, sexual assault, and abuse. Here are three ways to help survivors of violence.
Beating the Heat in Missouri
Random Acts supporter April took a group of unhoused veterans to a fast food restaurant in Missouri for food and relief from the heat.