Random Acts’ Class Acts Program receives amazing submissions full of kindness acts each year. All groups that have participated have reached out to their communities and made a positive difference. While a winner is selected every year, it is important to highlight the impact of all acts submitted to the program.
Ever Active Schools
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, “social distancing” has become a household phrase. It has become the imperative first line of defense in mitigating community spread of the virus. It has also, however, had a deep impact on how we socialize. High school students at Calgary’s Ever Active Schools saw a way to combat this loneliness and social isolation particularly in the senior and vulnerable populations. They created the Joy4All Project, a way for people to record jokes, stories, and messages of kindness to share with others via their website or by calling into 1-877-JOY-4ALL. The Joy4All website also includes a list of important resources for physical, financial, and social wellness.
Since their April 10 launch, the Joy4All Project has received more than 22,000 calls and 15,000 website visits with more than 80 families contributing content. It has garnered national and international media attention from news outlets in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Seeing the great impact the Joy4All Project has had, the creators plan to continue expanding their reach by recording their content in multiple languages in the hopes of spreading joy globally.