Changing the world one random act of kindness at a time.


Some facts are not fun. One example is the fact that 4.2 million youth in the United States experience homelessness each year. Moreover, LGBTQIA+ youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than non-LGBTQIA+ youth. Luckily, we are here to share the story of a happier fact: The fact that Random Acts Regional Representative Nicole Martin, supported Thrive Youth Center to help make a difference.

A Matter Close to the Heart

Let us start first by introducing Nicole. Nicole lives in San Antonio, Texas, and supporting LGBTQIA+ youth in her home state is a matter close to her heart: Nicole is the parent of a child who identifies as part of this community. Sadly, the LGBTQIA+ community is a group within the state of Texas that is highly overlooked. Looking for a way to support LGBTQIA+ youth, Nicole decided to support Thrive Youth, a local shelter for LGBTQIA+ youth in San Antonio, Texas.

Three people stand around a big blue sign saying "Haven for Hope". To the right of the sign stand a man with a checked shirt, cap, and colourful lanyards. Next to him stands a young woman with brown hair and a black Random Acts T-Shirt. To the left stands a man in a striped Shirt and a lanyard.

Nicole with Thrive staff Justin and Leo

Thrive Youth Center

Thrive Youth Center was established in 2015 and is one of a small number of LGBTQIA+-specific emergency shelters in the state of Texas. Thrive provides emergency services to LGBTQIA+ young adults aged 18-24 living in San Antonio / Bexar County. The residents have access to safe living quarters, meals, and showers. Other services include Education Services, Employment Resources, Mental Health Services, Medical Care, and Legal Services. All resources aim to help all residents work towards self-sufficiency and exiting homelessness. Since 2015, Thrive Youth Center has served over 250 young adults and housed 100 youth.

How can I help?

Nicole had been in touch with Justin, Thrive’s development and fundraising manager, for some time before her Kindness Act. After Nicole got the approval from the Random Acts Act Team, she reached out to Justin to ask what Thrive Youth Center needed most. Justin informed her that the shelter was in dire need of new shelving units to hold items and resources such as bedding, clothing, and school supplies.
Now that Nicole knew what the shelter needed, the next step was to order the shelves. When the shelves arrived, Nicole arranged a meeting with Justin to deliver her donation to the shelter. Justin and the volunteers of Thrive were incredibly grateful for Nicole’s support. The knowledge that her donation will help Thrive Youth Center support those in need, filled Nicole with happiness.

“I felt grateful for the opportunity to give back to the LGBTQIA+ community within my city. They are marginalized, and it was important to me that I was able to support them at such young ages, having a child within the community myself”, says Nicole.

Nicole knew that her Act of Kindness had been important for Thrive Youth Center as it enables Thrive to support and care for LGBTQIA+ youth in San Antonio.

Nicole’s story shows that having a matter close to one’s heart can guide us in supporting others. What does your heart tell you? Do you know someone in your community who needs support? Head over to our Acts of Kindness page to apply for funding. Still unsure? No problem! Contact your Regional Representative for guidance.